Iñigo González de Arrieta


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About me

I am an Assistant Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), where I teach Modern Physics and Optics labs. My main research topic is infrared science and technology in general, including both the heat transfer and vibrational spectroscopic aspects of this rich and varied field. I’m also interested in broader topics, such as: energy, applied physics, physics education, and the history of science.

CV outline

A relevant research sample

  1. I. González de Arrieta, L. del Campo, D. De Sousa Meneses. “Infrared spectroscopy of CeO2 nanoparticles using Bergman’s spectral representation: effects of phonon confinement and lattice strain”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 13095 (2021).
  2. I. González de Arrieta, T. Echániz, R. Fuente, J.M. Campillo-Robles, J.M. Igartua, G.A. López. “Updated measurement method and uncertainty budget for direct emissivity measurements at the University of the Basque Country”. Metrologia 57, 045002 (2020). Preprint available at arXiv: 1910.08315.
  3. I. González de Arrieta, T. Echániz, R. Fuente, E. Rubin, R. Chen, J.M. Igartua, M.J. Tello, G.A. López. “Infrared emissivity of copper-alloyed spinel black coatings for concentrated solar power systems”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 200, 109961 (2019).

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